
Posts Tagged ‘夏季’

Bye bye summery beach days .....(Sandbank Park Beach)

Bye bye summery beach days .....(Sandbank Park Beach)






不过天天sunny, 二十度到二十三度左右,


Yesterday was the last day of summer, and today marks the official start of autumn (Torontonians call it Fall). The good times always fly much quicker than any other time, isn’t it?

Strangely, the weather for the last few days have been beautiful – sunny everyday, about 20-23 degree celcius each day. Though not good enough for a swim or a tan at the beach, it is definitely perfect for a cup of warm coffee at the patio. At least, this is the right temperature I like.

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the cooks and their food at Salsa Street Festival

the cooks and their food at Salsa Street Festival

夏天在加拿大是很‘珍贵‘的季节。一年才这三,四个月的阳光,所以,这里的人争取所有机会享受阳光,找尽所有藉口来庆祝。 夏季的每个周末,都有数不完的节目。最普遍的是街头美食节。


如我家附近曾是意大利人聚住的地方,所以这里有个意大利街头美食节。不过,这十多年来,很多意大利人已渐渐搬去其他地区。反而,多了很多加勒比海人和拉丁美洲人。所以,这里在三,四年前开始举办Salsa Street Festival。

Summer is precious here in Canada. Well, it is not hard to understand that, it is the only 3-4 months sunny days Canadians will have for the whole year. Canadians will take every opportunity to enjoy the sunshine, and will make every excuses to go under the sun.  Nearly every weekend is jam-packed with many festivals, shows and activities. One of the most popular events in Toronto is street festivals.

Canada is a multicultural country. It is common that some particular ethic groups live in particular areas, like the Chinatown, Little India etc. Hence, the street festival for a particular culture will most likely be held in that area.


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Giant sand dunes with clear blue sky

Giant sand dunes with clear blue sky


连读五,六年,我们的朋友 ,DM和 LM都不会放过夏季这个难得的露营季节。今年当然也不例外,定了一个星期的营地。听说,DM在六个月前就要上网预定。因为,他们要去的省公园Sandbanks是很热门的一个露营地。不早定,就肯定会失望。

By the camp fire. I was already in my PJ !

By the camp fire. I was already in my PJ !

Ed呢,很狡猾。‘难度高‘的东西(早上7点爬起身来上网预定)让DM做。他就坐享其成,在他们露营的那个星期去‘探望’他们。 那我们就可以‘顺道‘露营两,三天了。


Our cozy kitchen tent

Our cozy kitchen tent


爬沙丘爬累了,我们就到沙滩休息休息。在Sandbanks, 顾名思义,当然大部分的活动都与沙有关。我和LM难得清静地坐在沙滩上看看书,Ed 和DM则在暖暖‘湖‘水内游泳,。这时,我们已知道白天的好天气是假象。因为,预像台说,狂风暴雨会在夜晚降临。不敢久呆在沙滩, 我们提早回营地准备晚餐。

Yummy BBQ ribs !

Yummy BBQ ribs !

露营嘛,哪可少了烧烤。排骨,牛扒,玉蜀黍,等,总之什么可以放在火上烤的,我们都放在火上烤。饱餐后,又是美酒加营火。可是,今晚就没那么逍遥了。 喝着红酒时,我们见到天上远处,闪电打亮了天际。渐渐地,越来越逼近。我们知大事不妙。赶紧收拾好,就躲进帐篷内‘避难‘。

那晚,就在我们的头上,雨唏哩哗啦地下,闪电轰隆隆地响。从没在狂风暴雨下露营的我在帐篷内担心 :‘我们的帐篷建在大树下。闪电噼啪砍大树的话….’ Ed接下去说 : ‘那我们就完蛋啦!‘ 虽然如此,一天排满的活动把我累坏了。来不及多胡思乱想,我就倒头呼呼大睡了。

星期天早上,我被鸟叫声吵醒。大地一片潮湿。快快吃了早餐,清理好一切,带着已湿透了的用具,和装了很多沙的帐篷,我们向Sandbank 说,明年再见。

It is (still) summer here ! During summer, everyone goes to camp. Well, if you don’t do it now, you may not have any other time for the rest of the year.

Friends of ours have been camping in Sandbanks Provincial Park for the last 5 to 6 years. Being the only rare time that is ‘practical’ for camping, DM has to book at least 6 months ahead, and have to wake up at 7am to go online for the booking. Yup, it is that popular here. This year, it is no difference, DM and LM have booked for a week long camping in Sandbanks Provincial Park.

Climb two steps and slide back one step

Climb two steps and slide back one step

Ed being cheeky, he takes the advantages of letting them to do the hard work (booking), and we joined them for a couple of days during that week.

So, we went last weekend – DM and LM’s last two days at the camp site. Unfortunately, the forecast was not great at all. Yet, we still went because we have not been out of the city since I came back. Tired of city life and needing a nature dose, we packed and soldiered on.

Sandbanks Provincial Park is only about 2.5 hours from Toronto. We arrived on Friday night. After setting up the tent, we finished our day with a few glasses of wine with DM and LM by the camp fire.

Was the tent sturdy enough for the rain storm?

Was the tent sturdy enough for the rain storm?

The next day, supposed to rain, instead we had a gorgeous weather. They took me this newbie to the famous sand dunes. Some dunes are as tall as 50-60 feet. Never saw giant sand dunes before, I was amazed. We were lucky that the day was not too hot and had constant refreshing breezes. Hence, I survived well with the climbing of giant sand dunes. However, imaging myself going to Sahara dessert (one of my many wild dreams) climbing even larger sand dunes under the fierce sun, does not excite me like before anymore.

After visiting the sand dunes, we thought we deserved more sands, and some relaxing times. We went to a beach within the Park. Weather surprisingly was holding up for us. LM and I read, Ed and DM went for a swim.

Ed tried to shake off the sands in the tent

Ed tried to shake off the sands in the tent

Knowing there would be a rain storm coming overnight. We did not stay at the beach too long. We went back to our camp, cooked a big feast (BBQ ribs, steak, BBQ corn and other veggies) and tried to enjoy more wines and camp fire before the storm.

At about 10pm, we could see lightning lightening up the sky somewhere far from us . Slowly, the lightning is moving closer to us and we knew up it was time to pack up and hide in our tents as quickly as possible.

It was my first time to camp in a storm. The frequency of strong lightning, the powerful wind and the amount of rain above our tent were not funny. We camped under the trees and I was worried what would happen if the trees struck by the lightning. ‘If it happened we would be dead.’ Ed said. Yup, he likes to do that to me. No matter how worried I was, after a full day of activities, I still slept sound.

I woke up by the singing of the birds next morning. Everything was wet and soaked. We quickly had our breakfast, then cleaned up, and went home with lots of sands in our wet tents and in our shoes. It is indeed a real experience with the nature.

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在多伦多,每逢夏季,超过百间中上级的餐馆都会参与由American Express举办约两个星期的Summerlicious。 ‘licious’ 源自 ’delicious‘ ,即美味的意思。

Summerlicious 的特征是,所有参与的餐馆会各自设计出一个固定的套餐( 例子见文底)给来参与Summerlicious 的顾客。最值得的是,收价会比平常低。这过百间的餐馆当中有些是很高级的。我这种平凡人平时是吃不起的 (除了在Summerlicious 🙂 )。因为,不管餐馆多高级,如要参与Summerlicious的话,晚餐收费都在每人35加币或以下,午餐会更便宜。

我和Ed当然不会错过这个大饱口福的机会。可是,我俩为了选餐馆而大伤脑筋。中级的餐馆,不算便宜到那里去。太高级的,虽划算,可是我们怕会格格不入。毕竟,我们扮不出高贵的样子,也不想吃得周身不自在。开心时,不想把声音压得低低的。所以,最后,我们选了一间中上级的 – Fuzion。

photo from http://www.restaurantstoronto.com

我们认识一对夫妇常向我们赞这餐馆有多好就有多好。可是,一餐两人一吃就百多两百元。所以,他们也是久久才去一次。我和Ed就乘这机会去尝尝。三道菜(前餐,主餐和甜品, 饮料另算)的晚餐,一人35加币,不算太贵。

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