
Archive for the ‘有话直说 Say what I think’ Category



当奥巴马宣布加拿大将是他担任总统后第一个访问的国家时,这里的人从那时起,就不停地讨论,不停地分析。其实,奥巴马来加拿大一点也不出奇。加拿大是美国邻居, 也是最大的贸易伙伴。除了几任总统外,几乎所有新任的美国总统的第一个官方式访问国都是加拿大。


奥巴马今早将会到访加国。访问的时间很短,早上10.30抵加,下午4.30离开。才六个小时。可是,这几天的电视新闻节目,每隔一,两分钟就会提到奥巴马这个名字。CBC 将他们电视台访问奥巴马的片断,重播了数十次,数百次。CBC 电视台还邀请了很多专家博士们,将奥巴马说的每句话,每个字,分析又分析。我已可以将奥巴马的回答背得出来啦!看来, 很多人会湧到渥太华,只为一睹奥巴马的风采。

昨晚,我有点受不了! 把电视关上,还我清静。


只是希望媒体们给我一些 ‘没有奥巴马的时间’。 只希望政治人物,媒体和小市民明白到,奥巴马虽可以改变很多政策,不过,如果我们不努力生活,做好本份,很多根本的社会问题也解决不了。 大家一起努力吧!


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Ok, I heard about this, however, it is just so sad to hear it again during this so-called ‘once-in-a-century’ economic downturn, while many (many) others are worrying if they would still have their jobs tomorrow, while pensioners are losing most of their money for retirement, while some people might not be able to pay their food and shelter bills tomorrow, while many people working their fingers to their bones for their CEOs….

During a dinner, a friend told me, after the new year, he received an order from the boss to go back to office to fire 10 workers. At that time, I felt that the economic problem is really hitting home, but I forget it probably never hits the top CEOs’ homes ! Or time will prove this….

X     X     X     X     X

From Yahoo! Finance News

“TORONTO – As many Canadians nurse their post-New Year’s Eve hangovers and ponder what further economic storms await, Canada’s top corporate executives can take some comfort in knowing they have already earned as much as the average worker will earn in all of 2009.

A new analysis by the left-leaning Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives concludes the country’s richest corporate executives will have pocketed an average of $40,237 by 9:04 a.m. Friday morning.

“By the time your computer has finished booting up on your first day back after the New Year’s holiday, the average CEO would have already banked what took the average Canadian worker an entire year’s worth of work to earn,” the report states.

“Many of the top 100 include Canada’s big bank CEOs, who recently received billions in federal government bailout money to purchase mortgage loans.”

Prepared by economist Hugh Mackenzie, the report finds the top 100 CEOs of publicly traded corporations averaged more than $10 million in pay apiece in 2007, the last full year for which figures are available.


To read the full story, click here.

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I woke up this morning, checked the results of Australia Election. Whoo-hoo ! Labor Party won ! I checked my email account. I received an email from an Australian friend, she too, thinks Whoo-hoo!

Normally, I am not a very politically sensitive person. Yet, never before, I pay so much attention to this election. When I went back to Australia recently, I could feel the change of atmosphere. I feel the importance of this Election, and have kept a closed eye to it since. I feel, something significant and historic is going to happen….

Under Howard’s government, although Australia has unbroken 11 years of economic growth, people are generally not happy. There is a long term drought; young soldiers are being sent to Iraq; Australians worry about climate change and Kyoto Protocol issues; there are new laws which hand too much power to employers, etc etc. There are something money can’t buy. As much as there might be a factor of ‘ time for a change’, Australians have courageously chosen something more important than economic. They want better health, better education and better environment, which Labor Party promised.

Although we are continuously disappointed by the promises of government, although it seems like there are always these ‘dark forces’ in politics that things are not get done the way it should be or promised, and etc etc. At least, this election shows me that Australians have spoken, loudly and clearly, to the people-in-charge, what they really want and what is important to them now. Go Aussie ! As someone who has lived in Australia for the last 13 years, I feel really proud !

Australians have done their part, now and the next, which is the most important : Mr Rudd and your team, now is your turn, please do your part well !

I think Australia is now entering a new and exciting phase. The world is watching. Just like my friend said, she now has more hope that Australia will move towards a more compassionate stand in the world.

And I asked Ed this morning : Do you want to go back to Australia ?….

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(photos from http://news.bbc.co.uk)

一向来, 我不太写与政治有关的贴字。



但是,读到马来西亚昨天的Bersih (马来文,意即干净) 大集会,哪可能不写写的。


Bersih 这个大集会主要是向马来西亚国家元首请愿,要求一个干净和公平的选举。



虽被警员发射水炮吹泪弹, 可也压抑不了人民的声音。






I don’t usually writing any blog post relating to politics. Main reason being that I don’t know too much about politics and don’t want to write anything that can mislead myself and others. My mother also advised me not to write about politics, otherwise, there is a slight chance I will be arrested !

However, after I read about the Bersih March (Bersih is a Malay word, meaning clean) of Malaysians yesterday, how could I not write anything about it at all. Well, my blog doesn’t have many readers, hence I don’t have any major influence, and for sure I will not become famous. So, I don’t think I will be arrested.

Bersih March is a march that had been called for for a clean and fair election. It had attracted many Malaysians who participated with yellow shirt which organisers had asked them to wear. Heavy rains on that day could not stop the marchers, neither could the water cannons and teargas covered their voices. I won’t write more on its details, for those who are interested, please check more news online.

What I really want to express here are :

– my respect and pride to the courageous Malaysians, people of my home country.

– my anger on how the innocent people had been treated in this march

– and, my continuous disappointment of the Malaysian government who never listen to their people !

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这几天, 水深火热的缅甸的情况每况愈下,真的令人担心。





今天,刚好看到此网页 : Stand with the Burmese Protesters !






The situation in Myanmar is worsening and worrying.

We still don’t know the accurate numbers of people been arrested and killed.

It is heartbroken to see the people suffer so much.

They deserve our absolute respect for their courage to stand up for justice.

I don’t know what I can do for them.

I don’t know if they know that we care for them a lot.

Today, I found a website : Stand with the Burmese Protesters.

It has collected over half a million of signatures in only a few days,

vowing to stand alongside the citizens of Myanmar.

I signed the petition,

hoping this small effort I could contribute will bring some hopes to them,

hoping the ruthless military government will stop their killing,

hoping eventually the voice of people will be heard and respected.

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The worldwide media broadcast of Cho Seung-Hui’s footages have received much condemnation. Currently in Hong Kong, I saw them in the news and felt quite disturbed and chilly. Amongst all the materials media brought to audiences, not many of them are positive or bring about hope except more fears and pains.

I have read something quite hopeful even at this most difficult times. It was in the memorial service held for the victims of the Virginia Tech,
in which, following President Bush’s speech, four
students representing religious groups made speeches.
The following is one of them, just would like to share here:

Julie Still
President of Living Buddhism club at Virginia Tech

“I am with the Buddhist community. In the aftermath of the terrible
events yesterday, I extend my deepest condolences to all those families who
have lost their loved ones. From the bottom of my heart, I pray for the
victims, and I pray that all of us, especially their families, find inner
strength, understanding, and compassion leading to healing.

It is impossible not to be outraged at the senseless loss of so many
lives. The number of total deaths is utterly horrific; every person lost
was irreplaceable and immensely precious — a much-loved sister, father,
son, mother, teacher and friend. The message of all religious teachings is
the sacredness and preciousness of life. In the most terrible manner
imaginable, we have been reminded of the immense value of human life.

Like you, I have been receiving and sending numerous e-mails and
phone calls connecting with friends and family. The emotional stress we all
under is overwhelming. However, the Dalai Lama has said, “It is under the
greatest adversity that there exists the greatest potential for doing good.”

Now is our opportunity as a community to unite. We must connect
with each other just as we are reconnecting with family and friends.

In the words of poet, Jennifer Edwards:
The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it,
understand it, learn from it and change.
So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but
in wisdom, understanding and love.

Each action we take can embrace or alienate. In the words of
Daisaku Ikeda, a well-known Buddhist leader,

“When great evil occurs, great good follows. But great good does not come
about on its own. Courage is always required to accomplish great good. Now
is the time for us to demonstrate the courage of nonviolence, the courage to
engage in dialogue, the courage to listen to what we don’t want to hear, the
courage to control our desire for revenge and follow reason.”

I am convinced that we were born into this world with an inherent
good nature and together, we must restore our faith in humanity. I believe
that from this tragedy, this courage is the greatest and most enduring way
to honor the memory of our loved ones.

Let’s take a moment to reflect.
(ten second pause)
Thank you. “

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[Picture above (from Toronto Star) : A vat of liquid nitrogen holds embryos donated to LifeQuest Reproductive Centre (Toronto) Medicine for research. Similar containers will soon hold the eggs of young women who want to preserve their fertility.]

(Dear English readers, please scroll down for English translation)

前阵子,在Toronto Star报章读到一篇题为《Babies of the Ice Age》的文章。主要内容是 – 现在的最新科技可以为女性“储存”她们的卵子,以延长生育期。卵子可以在还年轻时从体内“抽出”,放进上图装有氮的容器内。氮可以有效地将卵子保持于健康状态。等到女性想要生育时,才拿出来受孕。就如将食物放进冰箱以保持新鲜。

文中提到,加拿大许多现代女性用她们最茂盛的生育时期(20至30岁)来追求教育和事业。可是, 她们的卵巢却随时间渐渐地退化。国家内15至49的女性平均只生育1.5个孩子,不能为国家维持所需要的人口(2.1个)。以前,这种科技用来帮助有疾病不能生育的女性。现在,可能可以开放给其他想要迟些生育的女性。希望这种新科技可以为职业女性和国家带来新希望。

另一篇文章题为《My Life first, babies second》的作者说,她自小被鼓励要努力读书,赚钱, 才有出人头地的一天。她不想靠男人。加上,现在生活水平高,要养育很贵。所以-my life first, babie second.

身为女性, 读了这些文章总令我感慨万千。不知我到底该如何….思考这个问题…

社会进化,女性抬头,教育, 事业,金钱….都要。 因为现代女性认为,如果没有完成自己的梦想,即有孩子,也未必快乐。等到什么都拥有了,想要有孩子时,已错过了生育的机会。很多女性因此耿耿于怀或到时才来后悔。在澳洲和加拿大,很多人为此求医,如人工受孕(IVF)。

记得读过另一篇题为《Buying Babies, bits by bits》的文章。文中提到,现在约有三百万的人是在实验室“做成”的,即IVF。 在做 IVF的过程中,如夫妇不孕,可以“买”其他人的卵子或精子。有些较有钱的还可以选择某种特征的精子或卵子。 如妻子身体不适怀孕,还可以“请”其他女性担起十月怀胎的责任。

从另一方面看,有许多女性想要有孩子,却寻寻觅觅也遇不到心上人。因此,在西方国家流行单亲母亲。 可是, 如没有好的经济能力,一个人怎能支撑得住。所以,也被逼先努力赚钱。或有些丈夫(暂)不要孩子,女性想要有孩子也难。等到时机对时,却已太迟了。


说了那么多,我想没什么对或错的。只是,有时在想,是我们这一代人太自私吗?还是被大环境所逼? 不知,我们生出来的下一代会如何想呢?不知有没有专家研究过 -这样来“储存”精子或卵子会对下一代有何间接的负面影响?

还有,很不公平的是, 男性的生育期比女性长很多。没有这种顾虙,可以专心事业。有钱了,虽较老了,还可以娶个年轻的妻子来生孩子。我不是女权主义者,可是想到这里,最后还是女性要做出较痛苦的抉择,或较大的牺牲。

please click here for English translation

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I received the following link and news from a friend today. I went online immediately to search for the full story and was very disappointed !

No Vitamin C in Ribena

DRUGS multinational GlaxoSmithKline was fined 217,000 New Zealand dollars ($A192,129) for misleading advertising yesterday after two science students found Ribena contained no detectable vitamin C.

The multinational company admitted to 15 charges of misleading advertising between 2002 and 2006 in a suit filed by the Commerce Commission, a consumer watchdog, after a 2004 school science project exposed the false claims.

Ribena has long been sold as a healthy drink based on advertisements that black currant juice has more vitamin C than orange juice.

Its New Zealand advertisements claimed Ready to Drink Ribena had seven milligrams of vitamin C per 100 milliliters (0.25 ounce per 3.4 fluid ounces).

But high school students Anna Devathasan and Jenny Suo, then 14, found it contained almost no trace of vitamin C after testing the children’s syrup-based drink as part of a science project in 2004.


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听朋友说,在香港,有人在网上,鼓吹“三不买” – 在情人节,不买礼物,不买鲜花,不买晚餐。 问题主要来自商家在情人节当天故意把价格调得特高。害得男的钱包很惨。虽然,这根本不能衡量对一个人的感情。可是,有些女的,觉得当天的表现很重要。


三不买 – 我赞成!!

希望别误会,我不是不站在女方。只是觉得这样花钱,有些浪费, 也“益”了商家。礼物,鲜花,晚餐,不一定要在情人节当天买。

突然,有个小小建议 – 不如,用那些钱一起去报名学些两人都有兴趣的东西。学的不一定要太认真,短程的就很好。如:画画,艺术或电影欣赏,跳舞,等等。一起学一些东西两三个月,可能更能增进感情。



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